Hello, I'm Kyle. You might know me as KQD.
- Ohio born & raised.
- Programmer, writer, runner, footballer.
- Studied comp. science and (because I liked a girl) English writing.
- Dad x3 (because same girl liked me).
- Building Patriot Software since 2014.
Some things I believe (always evolving):
- My faith.
- Discipline > motivation.
- Develop (and keep) a sense of urgency.
- There is no substitute for hard work.
- Learn from others, but compete against yourself.
- Playtime with kids is the closest thing to real magic we have.
- Always tell your teachers and coaches thank you.
- Routinely save time for you to be alone.
- Attitude and effort matter more than you think.
- Take 100% ownership over your situation and problems.
- Don't complain. Less than 100 years ago, 24-year-olds stormed the beaches of Normandy.
- Develop natural skills > following your "passion".
- People vastly underweight the value of simply being kind.
- Often you'll need to imitate before you can innovate.
- Actively seek out your weaknesses by inviting critique.
- Writing helps you think. Write a lot.
- All first drafts are terrible.
- Simple and concise storytelling is an S-tier skill.
- If you have a problem you can't solve, go run three miles.
- If you want to be viewed as a leader, help raise up more leaders.
- When you borrow someone's car, always return it with a full tank.
Specifically on tech/business:
- Moving fast is the most important thing in business.
- You never have enough information, learn to make good bets anyways.
- Keep things as simple as possible.
- Moving fast requires smaller teams, and smaller teams are more fun.
- Moving fast, in general, is more fun.
- Speed increases learning velocity, which is your company's most important metric.
- You do not have to compromise quality.
- A majority of tech companies are >1-5x overstaffed.
- Wait as long as humanly possible to hire—most aren't ready for the pain this brings.
- A company's culture is who they hire, fire, and promote.
- Performance reviews should be one yes/no question: "Would you enthusiastically hire this person again, right now?"
- Most tech companies get deadlines wrong.
- Have deadlines.
- Almost all "here's how to measure engineering" metrics are dumb.
- Deadlines help contain scope and force decision making.
- Work fills the time allotted, so allot less and bet on iterations.
- Readjust if the team can hit the deadline but the quality isn't there.
General advice: Work incredibly hard, spend as much time with those you love as possible, be kind, and give everyone a square deal.
Oh, and the BIC Cristal Xtra Smooth Blue Medium Point pen is the best pen out there. Terrible name, though.